assistant trainer in Integrative Psychotherapy, psychotherapist

“You can’t throw yourself strong, brisk and confident in the waves of life, and it won’t bring you to the harbor of happiness.”
Hortensia Papadat – Bengescu


Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist with training in integrative psychotherapy and specialization in couple psychotherapy focused on emotions, is director of the Career Counseling and Guidance Center at “Tibiscus” University in Timișoara, vice-president of the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counseling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS) and member of the journal’s editorial board
International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherepy (

The desire for professional development was realized through:
– participation in national and international conferences, workshops and publication of specialized articles in the field of psychology;
– research as a doctoral student at the West University of Timisoara, field of Psychology.

Domeniile de interes sunt: psihologie clinică şi psihoterapii, psihologia personalităţii, psihoterapia tulburărilor de personalitate.

Activitatea publicistică este concretizată în articole de specialitate şi studii indexate în baze de date internaţionale şi incluse în Web of Science.

Participări numeroase activităţi media şi publicații în mass-media:

Emisiuni TV:

Emisiuni Radio:


Telefon: 0723 345 341

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