Constant partners in the organization of the conference are the Research, Counseling and Integrative Psychotherapy Association (ACCPI) and ”Universul Academic” Publishing House from Bucharest. From this year, the Institute of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice (AREOPAGUS) is a partner in organizing the conference.
The aim of this event is to bring together, for a few days, practitioners, specialists in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, especially in the field of clinical supervision. The papers presented are published in the International Journal of Supervision in psychotherapy (
On the first day of the conference, between 10.00 and 13.00, the section intended for students will take place.
Loredana-Ileana VÎȘCU, PhD – President of the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counseling and Clinical Supervision, vice-rector of the “Tibiscus” University of Timişoara, professor at the Faculty of Psychology, “Tibiscus” University of Timişoara. |
Edward Clifton WATKINS, Jr., Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at the University of North Texas. He also is a trainer/supervisor at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision. His primary professional interests focus on psychotherapy supervision and integrative theories, practice, and research. He is editor of the Handbook of Psychotherapy Supervision (1997), co-editor (with Derek Milne) of the Wiley International Handbook of Clinical Supervision (2014), and co-author (with C.H. Patterson) of Theories of Psychotherapy (1996). He and his colleague, Loredana-Ileana Vîșcu, recently co-authored the book, A Guide to Clinical Supervision: The Supervision Pyramid (2021) and have co-edited three books of conference proceedings (2019, 2021, and 2022). Dr. Watkins serves as Associate Editor (Dr. Vîșcu being the Editor) of the International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy and is a Fellow of Divisions 29 (Psychotherapy) and 17 (Counseling Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. |
Ioana-Eva CĂDARIU, Student PhD – Univer sity assistant at the “Tibiscus” University of Timișoara, training assistant, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist with training in integrative psychotherapy and specialization in couple psychotherapy focused on emotions. She is also vice-president and a trainer at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counseling and Clinical Supervision. |
György GÁSPÁR is a clinical psychologist, internationally certified relational psychotherapist, president of the Multicultural Association of Psychology and Psychotherapy, president of the Imago Romanian Therapy Academy, trainer and supervisor in the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counseling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS). He is also the author of several specialist books and co-founder of Pagina de Psihologie. |
Bruno VAN DEN BOSCH is the president of the European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP), psychotherapist and supervisor, founder and director of the Educational Academy. He is also the founder of Conceptual Interaction (Integrative Psychotherapy) and a trainer in a four-year training program in integrative psychotherapy, with more than thirty years of experience in individual, relational and group psychotherapy. He is also a trainer in a training program for supervisors. Bruno VAN DEN BOSCH is on the European Wide Organizations committee of the European Psychotherapy Association (EAP) and co-author of the book Changing Ideas in Psychotherapy (2008). |
Richard G. ERSKINE, PhD., Training Director at the Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy, is a clinical psychologist with five decades of experience in the clinical practice and teaching of psychotherapy. He has specialized in the treatment of severely disturbed children, run a therapeutic community in a maximum security prison, and conducted his psychotherapy practice in New York City specializing in the treatment of obsession, dissociation, narcissism, schizoid processes. In 1972, as a professor at the University of Illinois, Dr. Erskine developed the initial concepts of a developmentally-based, relationally-focused Integrative Psychotherapy. By 1976 he established the Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy in New York City and, along with members of the Professional Development Seminars, continued the development, research and refinement of a relational and integrative psychotherapy. Each year Dr. Erskine teaches formal courses and experiential workshops on the theory and methods in several countries around the world. He is a licensed Psychoanalyst, certified Transactional Analyst, internationally recognized Gestalt Therapist, and a certified Group Psychotherapist. He is the author of eight books and numerous articles on the practice of psychotherapy. Some of the articles are available on his is website at |
Dr. Heward WILKINSON, D. Psych, UKCP Fellow, UKCP Registered Psychotherapist, is an Integrative Psychotherapist based in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, Vice-president of EAIP. |
Carol FALENDER, Ph.D. is co-author/editor of seven books on clinical supervision and consultation. She directed APA accredited internship programs for over 20 years and was Chair of the Supervision Guidelines Task Force of the American Psychological Association (APA). She was the recipient of a Presidential Citation from APA for innovative contributions to the theory and practice of clinical supervision, nationally and internationally and recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training in Psychology Award from APA. She has conducted supervision workshops and symposia internationally including in China, Japan, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, South Africa, Guatemala, Russia, Israel, and Canada. Dr. Falender is a Fellow of APA, Adjunct Professor, Pepperdine University; Clinical Professor, University of California Los Angeles, Psychology Department. |
Edward SHAFRANSKE, PhD, ABPP, FIPA, is Professor and Muriel Lipsey Chair in Clinical and Counseling Psychology and directs the Psy.D. program in clinical psychology at Pepperdine University. He has published widely in the fields of clinical supervision and the applied psychology of religion. He is the co-author with Dr. Carol Falender of Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach, 2nd ed., (2021) published by the American Psychological Association. His many publications with Dr. Falender have focused on the development of a comprehensive competency-based approach to clinical training and supervision. He serves on six editorial boards, including Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, has supervised first-year psychology students through postdoctoral trainees, and maintains a clinical practice. |
Angelika BÖHM, PhD, works as a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor as well as a member of the teaching faculty of the Austrian Association for Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy (OEAGP). She holds degrees in Psychotherapy Science and in Education and is a member of the Board of Directors of GTA (International multidisciplinary Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications). Furthermore, she is co-editor of Phänomenal – Journal for Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy. |
Oana Maria POPESCU is a training psychotherapist and supervisor in the specialties of integrative psychotherapy, integrative child psychotherapy and expressive psychotherapy, European certified psychotherapist and psychotherapist specialized in hypnotherapy. He is the president of the accreditation commission and coordinator of the European training standards within the European Association of Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP), a direct member of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP), of the Exploration Society Integration in Psychotherapy (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration – SEPI), of the European Interdisciplinary Association for the Therapy of Children and Young People (EIATSCYP), of the International Society of Political Psychology (International Society of Political Psychology – ISPP), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the European Association of Hypno-Psychotherapy (EAHP). |
Ec. Dragoș ANCA is the President of the Board of Directors of the “Tibiscus” University of Timișoara and a founding member of the Augusta Foundation Union (UFA) Timișoara – sole founder of UTT. Dragoş ANCA is an entrepreneur with higher studies in Business and administration in agriculture completed at the Business Academy Aarhus, and a degree in Commerce, International Economy. |
Dr. Radu RĂDUCAN is the rector of the “Tibiscus” University of Timișoara, university professor, engineer, doctor in economics specializing in management, certified trainer for professional training programs – training, specialization or improvement courses with adults. His teaching and scientific concerns include: communication and human relations, management, organizational culture, human resources, public administration, skills and capacity development, professional ethics, etc. His publishing activity includes textbooks for students, specialized volumes in the fields of: human resource management, business management and organizational communication, numerous papers presented in national and international symposia. The research activity includes more than 50 scientific research contracts developed in collaboration with other university colleagues, in which he participated as a member of the research team (29) and as a project manager (23). |
Dr. Zeno GOZO is a university professor at “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, with a doctorate in philosophy. He graduated in 1998 from the Institute of Higher Specialty Education, Socio-Pedagogy profile in Dortmund, Germany, and in 2007 he obtained his doctorate in Philosophy at the West University of Timisoara. He is a specialist autonomous psychotherapist with the right to free practice, according to the Romanian College of Psychologists in the systemic and family therapy approach. He is also a specialist advisor in individual and group experiential counseling and experiential unification counseling holding a certificate for the training of trainers. His areas of specialization and interests include: philosophy, ethics and deontology, anthropology, aesthetics, history of psychology, philosophical references to psychology, systemic family therapy, constructivist and constructionist developments. |
Dr. Gabriel Cosmin BALACI is a lecturer at the West University “Vasile Goldis” in Arad. He holds a doctorate in psychoanalysis and psychopathology from the University of Paris 7 and a master’s degree from the University of Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), France. He also studied family systemic psychology and child and family psychology. Gabriel Cosmin Balaci is a principal psychologist, supervisor and trainer at the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counseling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS). |
ICSP President
Prof. Loredana-Ileana VÎŞCU PhD
Conferinţa Internaţională „Supervizarea în psihoterapie” a ajuns la a 4-a ediţie și este organizată de Institutul de Psihoterapie, Consiliere psihologică şi Supervizare clinică (IPCS) şi de Universitatea „Tibiscus” din Timişoara începând cu anul 2021 (respectiv de Asociaţia de Cercetare, Consiliere şi Psihoterapie Integrativă (ACCPI) şi de Universitatea „Tibiscus” din Timişoara în anii 2019 şi 2018) în colaborare cu diferite organizaţii şi instituţii de învăţământ şi de cercetare naţionale şi internaţionale. Obiectivul acestui eveniment este de a reuni, pentru câteva zile, practicieni, specialişti din domeniul psihologiei şi psihoterapiei, în mod special din domeniul supervizării clinice, însă fără a exclude colegii din domeniile conexe: asistenţă socială, teologie, filosofie, medicină, informatică şi chiar şi inginerie. Scopul este acela de a-i susţine în diseminarea rezultatelor cercetărilor, în comunicarea interdisciplinară şi împărtăşirea cunoştinţelor cu intenţia de a contribui la dezvoltarea profesională a practicienilor, specialiştilor şi academicilor. Lucrările autorilor sunt publicate în volume de studii, în jurnalul International Journal of Supervision in psychotherapy ( sau în volume proceedings ale conferinţei.
The International Conference “Supervision in Psychotherapy” has reached its 4th edition and is organized by the Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological counselling and Clinical supervision (IPCS) and the “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara since 2021 (respectively by the Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI) and the “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara in 2019 and 2018), in collaboration with various national and international educational and research organizations and institutions. The aim of this event is to bring together, for a few days, specialists from the field of psychology and psychotherapy, especially from the field of clinical supervision, but without excluding colleagues from related fields: social work, theology, philosophy, medicine, computer science and even engineering. The scope is to support specialists in disseminating research results, in interdisciplinary communication and sharing knowledge with the intention of contributing to the professional development of practitioners, specialists and academics. The authors’ selected papers are published in study volumes, in the International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy ( or in conference proceedings.
Pentru prima dată şi de acum înainte dr. Ramona Răducan nu va mai fi vice-preşedinte al Conferinţei Internaţionale „Supervizarea în psihoterapie”. Indiferent ce am spune, cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns să exprime ceea ce simţim noi organizatorii, colegii, prietenii, studenţii, cursanţii, clienţii, fiecare dintre noi cei care am cunoscut-o pe Ramona, păstrăm amintirea profesionalismului, dăruirii şi a valorilor ce au făcut-o atât de remarcabilă.
Atunci când l-am rugat pe Radu, soţul Ramonei, să ne completeze gândurile despre Ramona, ne-a menţionat că ceea ce a scris Ramona, pentru a se descrie pe pagina sa oficială (v. mai jos: este „minunat scris, aşa cum minunată a fost, este şi va fi Ramona. Indiferent de ce voi adăuga aş strica feeria cuvintelor, gândurilor şi sentimentelor Ramonei. Rămâne aşa şi este splendid!”.
Despre mine..
Eu sunt o prismă care trăiește și reflectă Viața, o parte din existențele altor oameni, un om modelat de autoeducație, de persoanele semnificative pe care le-a întâlnit în timp și de experiențele personale. Dincolo de identitatea socială și de identitatea personală, sunt ceea ce cred, ce simt, ce mă pasionează, ce mă consumă, ce mă orientează, ce mă lasă indiferentă, ce mă motivează, ce mă catalizează…
Viața mea este o poveste a voinței, un puzzle relațional, un lanț de evenimente care mi-au arătat că cea mai importantă valoare este iubirea. Dacă fericirea este sensul vieții, atunci iubirea este mijlocul prin care îl putem atinge.
Formarea profesională mai largă mi-a permis să înțeleg oamenii și acțiunile lor într-un mod mai cuprinzător și mi-a oferit multiple instrumente prin care să pot interveni eficient în viața lor personală și profesională. Cred că fiecare dintre noi este un diamant, dar numai un bijutier autentic își poate da seama de valoarea lui. Eu sunt acel bijutier care evaluează, curăță de impurități, creează fațete și oferă strălucire diamantelor. Misiunea mea este să sprijin oamenii să devină cea mai bună variantă a lor însuşi! (
For the first time and from now on, Ramona Răducan PhD will no longer be the vice-president of the International Conference “Supervision in Psychotherapy”. No matter what we say, words are not enough to express how we, the organisers, colleagues, friends, students, trainees, clients, each of us who knew her, feel; we all keep the memory of her profesionalism, of her dedication and her values that made her so remarkable.
When we asked Radu, Ramona’s husband, to add some thoughts about Ramona, he mentioned that what Ramona wrote, as a description of herself on her official page (see below: http: // /) is “wonderfully written, wonderful as Ramona was, is and will be. No matter what I add, I would just spoil Ramona’s enchantment of words, thoughts, and feelings. Let’s keep it this way, it’s simply gorgeous!”
About me..
I am a prism that lives and reflects Life, a part of other people’s existences, a human shaped by self-education, by significant people met in time and by one’s personal experiences. Beyond social identity and personal identity, I am what I believe, what I feel, what I am passionate about, what consumes me, what guides me, what leaves me indifferent, what motivates me, what catalyzes me…
My life is a story of will, a relationship puzzle, a chain of events that showed me that the most important value is love. If happiness is the meaning of life, then love is the means by which we can attain it.
A wide professional development has allowed me to understand people and their actions in a more comprehensive way and has given me multiple tools through which I can effectively intervene in their personal and professional lives. I think each of us is a diamond, but only a real jeweler can realize its value. I am the jeweler who evaluates, cleans impurities, creates facets and gives brilliance to diamonds. My mission is to support people to become the best of themselves!
Conferinţa Internaţională „Supervizarea în Psihoterapie” – ediţia a IV-a
in memoriam Psihoterapeut Dr. Ramona Răducan
The International Conference “Supervision in psychotherapy” – 4th edition
in memoriam of Psychotherapist Ramona Răducan PhD
Perioadă / Period: 10-12 June 2022
Locaţie/ Location: ONLINE – on ZOOM
Conferinţa Internaţională „Supervizarea în psihoterapie”, ediţia a 4-a, 10-12 iunie 2022, Online, este organizată de:
- Universitatea „Tibiscus” din Timişoara prin:
- Departamentul de Cercetare Științifică și Creație Academică,
- Centrul de Cercetări Calitative în Consiliere şi Psihoterapie,
- Institutul de Psihoterapie, Consiliere psihologică şi Supervizare clinică (IPCS).
în Parteneriat cu:
- Universitatea din Texas de Nord, Texas, Denton, S.U.A.;
- Asociaţia Europeană de Psihoterapie Integrativă (EAIP);
- Institutul de Sexologie Cluj-Napoca, România;
- Asociaţia de Cercetare, Consiliere şi Psihoterapie Integrativă (ACCPI), România;
- Liga Studenţilor din cadrul Universităţii „Tibiscus” din Timişoara, România;
- Editura Universul Academic, Bucureşti, România.
The International Conference “Supervision in psychotherapy”, 4th edition, 10th-12th June 2022, Online, is organised by:
- “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara through:
- The Department of Scientific Research and Academic Creation;
- The Centre of Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy;
- The Institute of Psychotherapy, Psychological Counselling and Clinical Supervision (IPCS).
in partnership with
- The University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, U.S.A.;
- The European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP);
- The Sexology Institute of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
- The Association of Integrative Research, Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACCPI), Romania;
- The Students’ League of the “Tibiscus” University of Timisoara, Romania;
- The Universul Academic Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania.
Înregistrare conferinţă /Conference Registration
Termen pentru înregistrare: 31 MAI 2022/ Deadline registration: 31 MAY 2022
Fiecare participant va completa formularul de înregistrare şi îl va trimite pe adresa de email:, împreună cu dovada plăţii.
Each Participant will fill in the registration form and send it to the email address:, together with the payment proof.
Taxa de participare este de 500 lei și va fi achitată în contul/ The participation fee of 500 lei (100 euros) will be paid to:
C.I.F. 42273685
Subiect plată: Conferinta. Nume participant XY/ Payment subject: Conference. Participant’s name XY
Sesiuni Lucrări/ Paper Sessions
Termen pentru trimiterea lucrărilor: 31 MAI 2021/ Paper submission deadline: 31 MAY 2021
Participanţii pot trimite lucrări ştiinţifice (maxim 2 lucrări/participant), de maxim 10 pagini, la adresa de email: Fiecare autor va plăti taxa de participare la conferinţă (chiar dacă sunt doi sau mai mulţi autori per lucrare). Lucrarea va fi însoţită de Declaraţia de copyright.
Participants may send papers (maximum 2 papers/participant), with a maximum length of 10 pages, to the email address: Each author will pay the conference fee (even if there are two or more authors per paper).
Lucrările vor fi publicate în limba engleză şi vor fi incluse în următoarele SECŢIUNI:
- Supervizare clinică;
- Psihologie şi psihoterapie;
Papers will be written in English and can be included in the following SECTIONS:
- Clinical Supervision;
- Psychology and psychotherapy;
Din lucrările prezentate în cadrul conferinţei, vor fi selectate lucrări pentru a fi publicate în International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy (
From the papers presented in the conference a number of papers will be selected to be published in the International Journal of Supervision in Psychotherapy (
ICSP President
Prof. Loredana-Ileana VÎŞCU PhD